dimanche 23 février 2014

Intro !!!

I am starting this blog for many reasons. When I first came here (France), a lot of people I knew were writing travel/anglophone in France blogs. I didn't want to jump on the bandwagon. To top it off, I kept very busy between Dec. 2011 (which is my personal unexpected start date of my time in France) and now.
I started reading some such blogs and appreciate them more and more. I actually found out that one bloggeuse who lived in my head for a long time just went off the grid! This is one reason I want to blog (facilitate friendships with such bloggers who capture my heart/with whom I can relate). The other reason is just for me. This is a disclaimer for all the sickeningly romantic things I will post about my chéri.  I'd normally resist but having been in other long relationships, I have never had a growing, truly romantic love, so I need to document. I also want to document my assimilation. Sometimes I'm rolling with the homies and other times I miss my native land.
That's all for the intro.
Bonne journée,

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