dimanche 23 février 2014

Native oatmeal carrot baby

I'm "dieting" and have reactive hypoglycemia (if your blood glucose gets to spiked you crash harder...very hard like sweating bullets, shake, and possibly pass out) so I made protein bars. I made breakfast cookies which were supposed to be the tasty version for my chéri since the protein bars taste like a memory foam mattress.

He didn't like them! I blame myself. I met him when he was eating Gerblé biscuits dietiques...which I did crave...if I was very hungry. I convinced him we should buy Belvita (since this is what I forked over too much money to buy in a machine at work if I forgot my food). Now he has gone to LU Granola chocolate covered cookies. Most "health" or "diet" things cannot compete with Snickers bars, chocolate-covered cookies, et des pains au chocolats!

Good for me, at least, because these breakfast cookies are delishhhh. It is like an oatmeal cookie and a carrot cake had a baby.


I used regular brown sugar (found in bio stores), used quatre epices instead of cinnamon (ran out) and muscade (didn't feel like grating 1/2 tsp fresh nutmeg), replaced the baby food (What Ellie Krieger?) with a shredded carrot, omitted bran cereal flakes (no have) and walnuts.

10 min to be sure not to overcook at 180°C

I love them, but I guess they are for people who appreciate less sugary and somewhat spiced (cinnamon, nutmeg) baked goods...so basically elderly people. ;)

"You did not wear those choses up in my pool!"

J'adore nager et la piscine près de chez moi est assez dynamique. C'est à dire qu'il y a tous types de gens et j'ai déjà vecu tous types d'expériences (bonnes et moins bonnes).

Tout récemment, je me suis blessée le pied à cause de la course à pied donc j'ai décidé de nager et de porter mes chaussures de rando pour être prudente avec mes pauvres pieds.

J'entre dans la piscine cool Raoul. La femme d'accueil me regarde : la tête - ça va, le tronc - pas mal, les pieds - un regard de dédain immédiat ! Haha. Oh no girl you did not wear those choses up in my pool! We in Paris!!!

Ok, she wasn't like the two tall beautiful chocolate gay angels I had in my life in Florida (who kept my appearance in check), but who needs them when you have Parisian men and women to shame you? Bref, même si je m'en fiche pour la plurpart, je pense que je vais chercher des bottes confortables et durables. My current boots have a hole! Living in Paris has me going through shoes faster than when I skateboarded seriously!

Gettin' my swim on at the middle of my aller retour lap I see an Asian woman freak out and get her kid out, and then swish around in the water. I immediately think, "Oh, good Lord, the kid shit in the pool!" Ha, I totally did not finish my laps, avoiding their zone. I'm telling myself it didn't happen since I didn't see it, but I took a very good shower when I was out in case....

...which is why je ne pouvais pas rester avec une autre femme asiatique dans la piscine. Elle m'a demandé si je savais les horaires de la piscine. Juste avant j'étais en train de m'étirer et apparemment beaucoup de monde a quitté la piscine dans un coup. (L'histoire du caca dans la piscine est vraie alors ?! Lol) Elle a dit que si je reste elle reste. Au début, je pensais qu'elle avait peur qu'ils allaient lui demander de quitter la piscine mais non ! J'ai appris que tout le personnel la connait par prenom ! Donc elle n'avait pas envie d'être la coupable qui fait attendre tout le personnel. Oh, j'ai compris...c'est moi le bouc émissaire ! ;)

J'ai bien fait mon boulot.  J'étais la dernière à sortir et je suis moins connue/aimée par le personnel de la piscine. Peut-être c'est parce que je suis un peu maladroite à la piscine et quand je nage fort c'est comme mon cerveau ne fonctionne plus bien après.  J'ai déjà laissé mon maillot de bain, je me suis trompée de casier et je pensais quelqu'un m'a volé les vêtements.  Lol!!! Cet incident-là s'est passé il y a longtemps donc j'espère qu'ils ont oublié. Mais de plus je ne frequente pas assez régulièrement ou à la même heure.

Je vais continuer à fréquenter la piscine en espérant qu'un jour ils m'aiment !!! ;)

Intro !!!

I am starting this blog for many reasons. When I first came here (France), a lot of people I knew were writing travel/anglophone in France blogs. I didn't want to jump on the bandwagon. To top it off, I kept very busy between Dec. 2011 (which is my personal unexpected start date of my time in France) and now.
I started reading some such blogs and appreciate them more and more. I actually found out that one bloggeuse who lived in my head for a long time just went off the grid! This is one reason I want to blog (facilitate friendships with such bloggers who capture my heart/with whom I can relate). The other reason is just for me. This is a disclaimer for all the sickeningly romantic things I will post about my chéri.  I'd normally resist but having been in other long relationships, I have never had a growing, truly romantic love, so I need to document. I also want to document my assimilation. Sometimes I'm rolling with the homies and other times I miss my native land.
That's all for the intro.
Bonne journée,