dimanche 9 mars 2014

Your woman is never fat

This is about my third day of hosting an unfriendly virus. I told my chéri que j'ai encore des vertiges. J'avais de la fièvre, je mouche mon nez sans cesse, et je tousse. J'avais mal à la tête mais je vais mieux. I can already breathe better through my nose, but the worst now is I just feel phased out.

Anyway, he seems to not think a virus is the issue. He is either the extreme of "no, I don't want you to be sick, therefore you are not sick" or "Oh, no, you are going to die. I have no luck at all." 

Just kidding. He is not crazy...but sometimes he gives me the impression that it is either of the two extremes. 

This time it is, "No, I don't want you to be sick because it is beautiful out and I am off work! I want to share it with you!" So, he asked me if I have been eating enough.

I laughed and shook my jiggly tum-tum, saying, "I think I have been eating enough. I'm fat!" He said, "No, you are not fat." and I said inside, " "Correct answer! Good job, babealoo." 

samedi 8 mars 2014

Any Paris/France blog suggestions?

I follow a lot of blogs but either they have stopped, post very rarely, have moved away, or have gone private.

If there are any blog suggestions of bloggers in France/Paris, please let me know! Peu importe s'ils soient en français ou en anglais. Normally I would peruse a lot of blogs, but I am sick (nasty virus) and would rather just ask here. You can suggest your own of course! if I don't already follow.

Merci d'avance. 

Work on Your Don't-Hit-on-Me Moves, Honey

My companion just sent me a text saying an apparently homosexual man was asking him a lot of questions and trying to touch him.

First of all, touching you? I am so paranoid about pickpockets that I'd be like "get outta here" (with my face)/I would get out of there so fast there would be no time for him to ask me my astrological sign! (I'm a pisces though ;) )

Second, I feel sorry he got bothered on his way to go hiking. That's what he gets for lookin' so damn cute. Just kidding.

Third, welcome to my world! Being a male, he gets bugged a lot less so he doesn't have to think about his Don't-Hit-on-Me moves every single day he goes out. I, being a female with average everything, do. I'm so good at shooting people down or blocking them off before they even get a chance to say a thing. Maybe that is why some Parisian women are seen as cold...but if a warmer approach were taken, there would be a lot of unwanted contact.

Pet Peeve in French and in English

It is definitely a neat situation to be able to speak two languages with the same person...BUT recently I noticed something I really hate.

A native anglophone person trying to use a French word of which they really don't know the meaning...or a native francophone trying to use English words or describe something in English when they should just do it in French.

Obviously these two things happen when speaking with a listener who only understands that certain language (French to monolingual French person, etc) but it is only annoying when it is more efficient to use one's native language.

The origin of this pet peeve probably started à la Poste (in a post office) when my French wasn't super and I had a stronger accent. Yet, the person's English was even worse...so I just continued in French so we could actually get somewhere! It worked out easily and the woman was super.

Now, however, I use French all the time and I know that people know I can use both interchangeably so sometimes we do that. It just bugs me when someone tries to use a word they don't know. It is like a person using a "big" or uncommon word in the wrong context.... It not only doesn't make any sense but it also makes them look bad! For me the pet peeve side of it comes when it creates confusion.

I normally just do the "uh-huh" if I know what they meant to say or repeat saying the right word/phrase waiting for an accord.

One day I might throw a dictionary at them though. TEEHEEHEE.

P.S. This doesn't include slipping up and using a word that rhymes, etc. Those are just brain farts and everyone does that. I mean when someone intentionally, clearly, directly misuses a word/phrase, especially if they are informing you of something important. (So, not just shooting the ship with your pals and talking about your week. I replaced the "t" with a "p")

mardi 4 mars 2014


I can't get over how either super cool or super difficult people are in Paris. I love the super cool part and maybe the super difficult part is good for patience. It also seems to tell me with whom I should or should not associate. At least I think. Sometimes in the USA if something is a bit difficult, it means it may pay off and you will get recognized for dealing with the issue so well...But here it is like, "YOU RUN!" and if you do not run, people will be like, "Wow, you are so stupid." or "I am so sorry, you poor thing." Not "great job for dealing with it, here's a cookie/money".

dimanche 2 mars 2014

Still got that Assthma though

It is a beautiful day and I really want to run, but this random bout of asthma is making me sound like I have been smoking filterless cigarettes for 40 years. It hurts! I dug up my allergy pills. Hopefully that will help. I know I have horrible spring allergies in Paris. It is the worst ever! A girl I met from Columbia said the same exact thing. I had no allergies in Florida, only some in Wisconsin (less flowering plants), and here my nose and eyes pour and I can't breathe as well. I only get occassional asthma. Once was from living off the interstate in Houston in the summer (super bad air pollution). The other was my first spring in Paris. I have been toughing it out all week. It normally goes away, but I guess I'll go to the doctor just so I'll have an inhaler here. All the asthmatics raise your inhalers in solidarity.