dimanche 9 mars 2014

Your woman is never fat

This is about my third day of hosting an unfriendly virus. I told my chéri que j'ai encore des vertiges. J'avais de la fièvre, je mouche mon nez sans cesse, et je tousse. J'avais mal à la tête mais je vais mieux. I can already breathe better through my nose, but the worst now is I just feel phased out.

Anyway, he seems to not think a virus is the issue. He is either the extreme of "no, I don't want you to be sick, therefore you are not sick" or "Oh, no, you are going to die. I have no luck at all." 

Just kidding. He is not crazy...but sometimes he gives me the impression that it is either of the two extremes. 

This time it is, "No, I don't want you to be sick because it is beautiful out and I am off work! I want to share it with you!" So, he asked me if I have been eating enough.

I laughed and shook my jiggly tum-tum, saying, "I think I have been eating enough. I'm fat!" He said, "No, you are not fat." and I said inside, " "Correct answer! Good job, babealoo." 

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